Volume : 6, Issue : 6, June - 2017

Studies on species richness, diversity and regeneration status of Shorea robusta in tropical deciduous forest of sub humid tropical forest of Central India.

Mary Ekka, Rashmi Agarwal

Abstract :

<p>&nbsp;The regeneration study of Shorea robusta Gaertn.F. in the tropical deciduous forest of Achanakmar was carried out during 2013-2015. The study area was the natural forest where Shorea robusta was dominant species. This paper reports the status of Sal in two forest sites namely undisturbed and disturbed forest sites in Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve. In general, both forest sites were regenerating although seedling and sapling population was higher in undisturbed forest site. The density and diversity was reported more in the undisturbed sites as compared to disturbed sites where as species richness was reported more in disturbed sites than in undisturbed sites. The result indicates that anthropogenic disturbance is more in buffer forest sites which may have affected the forest composition. The proper forest management and rehabilitation activities may be able to restore the climatic conditions of the degraded forest area and thus may result in the better regeneration.</p>

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Mary Ekka, Rashmi Agarwal, Studies on species richness, diversity and regeneration status of Shorea robusta in tropical deciduous forest of sub humid tropical forest of Central India., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾6 | JUNE-2017

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