Volume : 7, Issue : 4, April - 2018


Mr. Kamleshkumar Patel, Dr. B. A. Prajapati

Abstract :

<p>&nbsp;Water, Air and Food are the main resources for the survival of any living being on the earth. The major factors which</p> <div>are affecting the vital resources are being ignored in the name of technology and declaring it as so called</div> <div>development.</div> <div>The earth is covered by around 70% of water but we are not able to consume water directly and have to pass the water through several</div> <div>processes for making it drinkable/useable. The whole world is aware of the current situations and the future too but no personal care is given</div> <div>by the public or the government etc. Only the agendas are prepared on paper and no adherence to it is done by anyone. Survival may be</div> <div>impossible without water as there is no alternative of water. &ldquo;SAVE TODAY TO SAVE TOMORROW IT‘S NOT JUST WATER BUT SAVING</div> <div>LIVES -- SAY TO WASTAGE&rdquo;</div>

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Mr. Kamleshkumar Patel, Dr. B.A. Prajapati, GREEN IS THE ALTERNATIVE NAME OF PURITY, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

Article No. : 1

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