Volume : 4, Issue : 4, April - 2015
The Practice of Postnatal Care among the Mothers in Sangethapatti Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District
Dr. C. Gobalakrishnan, Ms. C. Amrin
Abstract :
<p> Both mothers and children constitute more than half of the total population of our country. Tough number wise they are </p> <div>stronger but for morbidity and mortality rate they are very weak. It means that they are vulnerable for both morbidity </div> <div>and mortality rate. To control both morbidity and mortality rates, the prenatal as well as postnatal cares are essential </div> <div>for both children and mothers. Prenatal care starts immediately after conception and extends till the birth of the baby. Postnatal care is a period </div> <div>which begins after birth of the child and extends for about six weeks. The present paper aims to understand the practices of postnatal care among </div> <div>the mothers in Sangethapatti Village Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District.</div>
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Dr.C.Gobalakrishnan, Ms.C.Amrin The Practice of Postnatal Care among the Mothers in Sangethapatti Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015