Volume : 2, Issue : 9, September - 2013
A Clinical Study of Puerperal Sepsis
Dr. P. L. Bhanap, Dr. Anil Sakhre
Abstract :
Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading causes of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity.Delay in detection and treatment may lead to obstetric shock and even death.The quality of obstetric care is measured in terms of maternal mortality and morbidity and puerperal sepsis levels are considered markers for outcomes in view of association with poor hygiene at the time of birth and indicators of poor quality birth facility.Present study was a retrospective study of 56 women admitted under department of OBGY, Government medical college, Nanded during a period of 45 months from January 1 st ,1999 to September 30 th , 2002.Data analyzed with where the delivery was conducted and pathogens responsible, number of days of hospital stay and surgical treatment required
Keywords :
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Dr. P. L. Bhanap, Dr. Anil Sakhre / A Clinical Study of Puerperal Sepsis / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:9 September 2013