Volume : 2, Issue : 12, December - 2013
A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 Cases of Early Termination of Pregnancy (Upto 8 Weeks) by Manual Vacuum Aspiration Technique
Dr. Shridevi A. S, Dr. Madhusoodana R. B. , Dr. Gayatri L Patil
Abstract :
Aims and objectives: We studied the outcome, safety, efficacy, complications and acceptance of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) for early termination of pregnancy (Up to 8 week).Method: 100 pregnant women with gestational age of up to 8 week seeking MTP were subjected to MVA. Results: Overall MVA resulted in complete abortion in 98 (98%) cases. The incidence of immediate complications is 2%. 1% women had anaesthetic complication in the form of allergy to lignocaine. 1% woman had haemorrhage (expected blood loss more than 150 ml). The incidence of delayed complication is 5%. 2%women had incomplete abortion and 3% women had infection. There were no mortality or major complications and all the minor complications were easily treated. Majority (94%) of the women were very satisfied with MVA and most (78%) of the women reported that they would like to undergo MTP by MVA if the need would arise in the future. Conclusion: Manual vacuum aspiration for early termination of pregnancy (up to 8 weeks) is a safe and effective method with very low rate of complications and is acceptable to majority of the women
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Dr. Shridevi A. S, Dr. Madhusoodana R. B, Dr. Gayatri L Patil / A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 Cases of Early Termination of Pregnancy (Upto 8 Weeks) by Manual Vacuum Aspiration Technique / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:12 Decemb