Volume : 3, Issue : 6, June - 2014
UterineBalloonTamponade in the Management of Severe PostpartumHaemorrhage–Evaluation of Effectiveness
Nasreen Noor, Shaziaparveen, Rajyashri Sharma
Abstract :
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of uterine balloon tamponade in the management of postpartum haemorrhage. Study Design: Prospective study. Material &Methods: Twenty women with intractable postpartum haemorrhage managed by uterine balloon tamponade using Foley’s catheter when medical management was not effective and prior to surgical intervention. Results: During the study period 20 cases were revived. In 14 cases (70%) haemostasis was achieved, while in 6 cases (30 %) uterine tamponade using Foley’s catheter failed in arresting haemorrhage. Of the 6 failures none of the women underwent hysterectomy, but haemostasis was achieved with conservative measures. Among the failed cases there was one maternal death due to cardiac arrest and postpartum haemorrage secondary to coagulopathy. In cases were the balloon was successful it was removed around 24hrs later. In these cases no further bleeding was observed and no complications occurred from the placement of Foley ‘s catheter. Conclusion: Uterine tamponade using Foley’s catheter successfully control atonic PPH refractory to medical management .It is simple , inexpensive and in those with successful placement no surgical morbidity was observed. In areas with limited resources and inexperienced operators. It is useful adjunct in the management of PPH
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Nasreen Noor, ShaziaParveen, Rajyashri Sharma UterineBalloonTamponade in the Management of Severe PostpartumHaemorrhage-Evaluation of Effectiveness Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 3, Issue: 6 June 2014