Volume : 5, Issue : 1, January - 2016


U Kavitha Devi, Dr. V Vasanthakumari

Abstract :

<p>Aging, disease, decay or death is the natural phenomena in any biological system and are the basis of &ldquo;Biological Turnover&rdquo;. Death being the final event of aging and disease is inevitable, inexorable and irreversible, but the rate of death can be delayed. Therefore, health of all is an enduring vision that recognizes the oneness of humanity. There is a need to promote health universally. According to World Health Organization, today&rsquo;s emphasis is on health expectancy rather than life expectancy. Cholesterol refers to lipids and fat like substances, which provide fuel for the body and is essential for cell structure. It is responsible to supply blood and oxygen to the myocardium. But, if mismanaged, cholesterol disorder acts as a timed bomb in the body. Awareness of the need to lower cholesterol levels in order to lower the risks of heart diseases is been well established. Besides dietary improvements, the research is underway to identify natural foods having a cholesterol reducing effect. Spirulina with its high concentration of functional is emerging as an important therapeutic food. Therefore it is suggested that spirulina would be an excellent agent to be considered to overcome the obesity</p>

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U Kavitha Devi, Dr. V VasanthaKumari Spirulina and Lipid Profile of the Obese Femal Adults Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016

Article No. : 1

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