Women Entrepreneurship and Milk Cooperatives in India
Abstract :
Women entrepreneurship has been recognized as an important source of economic growth. The improvement of
womenamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;rsquo;s livelihoods is to be seen as a necessary precondition to sustainable development. Government of India taken up
a project called White Revolution / Operation Flood through cooperatives by implementing Anand Pattern throughout
India for improving the living standards of the rural people, rural economy as well as empowerment and entrepreneurship of Women. The milk
cooperatives at various levels give concentrated attention to encourage women to take up departmental work. The main aim of this article is
to analyze the phenomenal growth of women entrepreneurship through encouraging household women farmers to keep more milch animals,
movement of procurement and input systems, enrolment, registering and managing women milk cooperative societies. The main objective of
the study is to analyze the improvement of socio economy status, entrepreneurship and empowerment of women farmers..
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