Communication: From Multicultural Team Perspective


Abstract :

Global business environment made multicultural teams as an essential part of the working environment. People from
various backgrounds including different culture, language, social status and different countries work together are
commonly seen. Internationally grown multinational industries are increasing rapidly. This change brought a variety
of opportunities and challenges to the business environment. Global business environment mainly relies on good communication, that lead
success of any business. Effective communication lays a bridge between different people involved in the business, connecting various cultural
and organizational backgrounds. Poor communication in a multicultural environment creates poor relationships between employees and
unfriendly work atmosphere which may lead to failure of an organization. Difficulties in communication among multicultural team have been
examined through a random sampling technique from various participants who belongs to a multicultural working team through email. The
result shows that poor communication is a major problem of any organization. Common modes communications were phone, email and face to
face communication. Phone and email were identified as a problematic mode. Also nonverbal and pictorial representation is problematic style
of communication. Eeffective listening, use of official format, common language, common communicator and language translator application
are the factors that help better communication process.

Keywords :

  global business environment, language, communication, culture



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