Volume : 2, Issue : 12, December - 2013

Status of Cotton Global to Khandesh

Patil Sanjaykumar Jagannath, Dr. Mrs. Meenakshi Waykole

Abstract :

Cotton is the ‘King’ of fiber referred as “White Gold’ of India. Cotton has been cultivated in India for more than five thousand years. It has a long history closely linked with the human civilization in India. Cotton fibers were discovered more than five thousand years ago in Mohanjodaro in the Indus Valley. Cotton is one of the oldest soft fibers that grow around the seeds of the cotton plant. It is used to make number of textile products from Old World to the New World. From the beginning of Indian civilization Cotton has played a vital role in development in evolution of human ethical, moral and cultural values.India rank second in the cotton production in the world. India is the major producer of cotton in the world market in term of area and production. India rank first in terms of area under cotton cultivation. Cotton textile is one of the major Industries in India which provides employment to more than 15 million people. The livelihood of 60 million people depends on cotton cultivation, processing and trade. Maharashtra rank second in the cotton production in India. The state has largest area under the cotton cultivation and accounts 19% of the total cotton production in the country. Khandesh rank second in the cotton production in Maharashtra. Cotton is the main crop of Khandesh region and the maximum area under cotton cultivation.

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Patil Sanjaykumar Jagannath, Dr. Mrs. MEENAKSHI WAYKOLE / Status of Cotton Global to Khandesh / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:12 December 2013

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