Author Guidelines - GJRA

1. Format & Style

Manuscripts:  All manuscripts submission should be through online to be Uploaded on the website or email on A single word file should consist content in double space on with one inch margine on all sides. The single word file should consist title page, abstract, main text, tables, charts, images at its approriate places and references at last as per APA guidelines.

Abstract: Following the cover page, there should be an abstract page, which should contain the title of paper, the subtitle "Abstract" and a summary of the paper in double space. It should be around 150-300 words in length along with three to four key words. The text of the paper should not start on this page, but on a fresh page. References should be cited in the style prescribed in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Guidelines).

Figures & Tables: Each figure/table should be numbered, titled. The position of figure or table should be placed at appropriate place within the article only.

Length of the Papers: The total length of the paper should not exceed 2000 words (Includes abstract, table, chart, reference etc). Authors are requested to strictly follow the prescribed length. For every additional 750 words an extra Rs. 500/- will be charged.

2. Publication Fees

a) GJRA charges a humble amount towards publication fees of Rs. 1500/- for single author, (with maximum 2 to 3 graph / charts / tables / maps etc., else cost increases by Rs.500/- upto 2000 words. For every additional 750 words, Rs.500/- extra) for every Addition author Rs. 500/- extra to be paid which is Non-Refundable**, all authors are entitle to receive a complimentary copy of Journals & Certificates

b) For International Authors (Authors outside India) needs to pay US$ 100 for single author for an article with a length of 2000 words. However, for every additional author US$ 50 extra to be paid and/or every additional 750 words an extra US$ 50 needs to be paid which is Non-Refundable**.

** As GJRA does not get funding from any funding agencies it solely runs on the small fees that is collected from the esteem authors. All the amount that is collected from the authors is reinvested on the Journal maintenance and growth. The publication fees will not be refunded if any author withdraws the article (for any reason) after review or acceptance as lot of resources and manpower are invested in processing the article and making it reach the final stage to be accepted by our distinguished reviewers.

3. Fast Track Publication

If you wish to avail our fast track publication service, please Email your manuscript to The Editor with the subject line "Fast Track Publication" at : or Call the Editorial office: +91-8866 11 3636.




  •     GJRA is a Peer-Reviewed Journal and valid as per New UGC Gazette regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges (Date:18/07/2018) View More Detail


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